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Four Practical Tips To Improve Your Mobile App User Engagement
Date: 2/22/2021

Apps are at the center of our world. As a result, the market for mobile apps is very competitive. There are billions of apps available to users.

A highly functional app is not guaranteed of success today unless the right user retention strategies support it. The following are four practical tips that will boost the user engagement of your mobile app.

1. Smooth Onboarding

There are so many apps on the market, so the first few seconds that users interact with your app is essential. The chances are that they will uninstall it immediately if they aren't impressed.

You must test and retest your app to guarantee a smooth onboarding process. Choose your graphics and interface carefully to inspire the sort of emotion that you want users to feel when using your app. Also, avoid asking users for too much information during the signup process before they obtain access or they may not even get through the signup procedure.

2. Use Push Notifications Strategically

Push notifications are used by some of the top apps currently like Twitter and Netflix to boost user engagement and retention. According to Localytics, 21% of users abandon an app after using it only once. You can use push notifications to prevent your app from sharing this fate.

The only rule with push notifications is to not overdo it, or it could have the opposite effect. To make push notifications more effective, you can personalize your messages. This includes sending customized greetings and sending notifications based on the user's interests or search history.

3. Reward Users

Rewards and loyalty programs are one the most effective user retention strategies. It costs up to 25 times more to sell to a new customer than an existing one. Therefore, it makes sense to reward your loyal users. Airbnb and many ride-sharing apps such as Uber have used rewards to successfully boost their profits.

Rewards and incentives can strengthen the loyalty of users. But you must offer something valuable. There are different types of reward programs. It doesn't have to involve money. The best reward programs provide users something enticing while the company does not run at a loss. If you use this strategy correctly, you will recoup the cost of the rewards program quickly.

4. Keep Improving The User Experience

Providing a salient user experience (UX) is central to user retention. There is no way people would love your app unless they enjoy using it. You must seek to improve the UX of your app continuously. Some of the most popular apps like Facebook and Whatsapp have undergone significant UX improvements over the years.

Studies show that improving your UX can boost profits by up to 500%. Nonetheless, do not overload users with updates unless it is necessary. Also, do not make drastic changes to the interface of your app all at once. Changes should be done in stages with plenty of time in between.

Key Takeaways

These are some of the best ways to improve the user retention of your app. The bottom line is that you must never stop improving it.

Also, you should consider your users before every move you make. Building a substantial user base is like entering a relationship, there are different stages to it, and you must continue to work at it to strengthen that relationship.